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5.9. Compiler and Debugger Shortcuts Table of Contents 6. Win32 Programming

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Table of Contents
5. IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
5.10. Debugger Commands

5.10. Debugger Commands

To start debugging, choose the Run or Run To Cursor command from the Debug menu. The following table lists the Start Debug menu commands that may appear and their actions.

Executes code from the begin or from the current statement until a breakpoint (left-click with a mouse on the editor's gutter to set/remove a breakpoint) or the end of the program is reached, or until the application pauses for user input.

Single Step
Single-steps through instructions in the program, and enters each function call that is encountered. Note that the execution speed of program may be very slow while in Single Step mode. Also we do not recommend that you use the Single Step command while in the body of a callback function such as WindowProc one (WIN32.HLP). In such a situation, the debugger might reset the single step mode after exiting from the callback function. We recommend that you use the Run To Cursor command instead.

Run To Cursor
Executes the program as far as the line that contains the insertion point. This is equivalent to setting a temporary breakpoint at the insertion point location. You can use Run To Cursor to run your program and pause before the location of a suspected problem.

Program Reset
Terminates the debugging session, and returns to a normal editing session. When resetting a program, Windows may not properly release all resources allocated by the code.

Add Watch
By choosing the Add Watch command you can create and modify debugging watches. After you create a watch, it will be added to the Watches window, which is located at the bottom of IDE's Editor.

Select Inspect to display information about the specified expression (variable, record field or array element). Inspect is only available if the debugging session is in suspended mode (for instance, after stopping at breakpoint or after execution of the Single Step command). The Inspect doesn't work when the expression has no value.

Show Program Variables
Shows a window which displays all local and global variables visible in the debugging application. Show Program Variables is only available if the debugging session is in suspended mode.

Show CPU State
Shows a window which displays the CPU registers. Show Program Variables is only available if the debugging session is in suspended mode.

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5.9. Compiler and Debugger Shortcuts Table of Contents 6. Win32 Programming

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